
Site policy

1. Operation

▪ This site is managed and operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation "TSUNAGARI" (hereinafter, the Foundation).

2. Links

▪ You can freely link to this site. You do not need to contact us in advance, but if you provide a link, use this page to inform us of your URL.

▪ Clearly state that the link leads to a website for Japanese classes in Tokyo.

▪ If your site violates laws or public decency, we may request removal of the link. We request your understanding.

* When you configure the link, please use one of the following banner images when possible.

  • バナー150px×116px
  • バナー180px×120px
  • バナー230px×64px
  • バナー280px×73px

3. Posting Japanese classes

▪ If you wish to have a Japanese class posted, contact us through this page. Please note that we do not accept postings on behalf of for-profit groups, etc.

4. Copyright

▪ The information (and images) on this website is protected by copyright. Also, the site as a whole is a collected work protected by copyright law.

▪ Except when duplication for personal use and quotations are permitted by copyright law, duplication and reuse are otherwise prohibited without permission.

▪ The content of this site cannot be modified in whole or in part without permission from the Foundation.

5. Limitations of liability

▪ We make every effort to ensure the correctness of the information on this site, but the integrity and accuracy are not guaranteed.

▪ If the information or content of this site leads to direct or indirect harm, the Foundation shall not be liable.

6. Privacy Policy

▪ See the Privacy Policy for how personal information is handled by this site.

7. Other

▪ The content of this site is subject to change or deletion without warning. We request your understanding.