To send an inquiry to the administrator of the Website for Japanese Classes in Tokyo, please contact below.
■ Administrator
Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation "TSUNAGARI"
TEL: 03-6258-1236(Japanese)
Phone inquiries are available from 10:00 to 16:00 (Monday to Friday).
*Please note that we are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and during the New Year holidays.
(Please replace ● with @ when sending the email.)
*The Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation "TSUNAGARI" does not organize Japanese language classes.
For inquiries about the Japanese classes introduced on the Website for Japanese Classes in Tokyo, please use the email forms provided on each class's page.
■ For those who wish to make inquiries in languages other than Japanese
Please call Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navi.
TEL: 0120-142-142 (Toll-free)
Available Languages: Japanese, English Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Hindi, Nepali, French, Indonesian, Ukrainian.
*Please refer to the following site to confirm operating hours of the Tokyo Multilingual Consultation Navi.